
announcements chat

i like that the feats have become designed to reduce the incentive to stand in cebarkul and keymash, but to work together in more collaborative and interesting ways.  but the more collaboration the feats require, the noisier global chats get - and even more so now that new badges have also been introduced!

a chat channel for announcements would allow people who want to meet up to work on badges and feats and peat bog quests and glitch trains and house parties and games of crowns and so on and so forth to do so without causing excess noise to the general chat space.

now that being said, i know that there have been indications from staff in the past that they are considering a more scalable general chat space to replace global, but not knowing what that new thing would be this might not be a good long-term solution.  but something to think about!

Posted 12 years ago by katlazam Subscriber! | Permalink