
Target Lock

It's mostly butterflies that make me think this, but what about a target lock key that would focus the enter key on that specific object?  

For example, currently I try targeting a butterfly, and end up having a spazz session with my space bar, enter key and trackpad only to massage the thing, lose a unit of oil and then have it fly into a crowd of other things and I have a second spazz session trying to milk it. 

I hate to use the pejorative phrase "not fun," but seriously - it's not a "challenge" and it's not "engaging gameplay." It's just kind of annoying. 

No, it's actually "not fun."  In the sense of "not" meaning "the opposite of" as opposed to "lacking."

But if there were a way to hit a key that would focus or target lock on the object of my last action, the harvest mini-games would go a bit more smoothly, I think. 

Outline of feature:

1) Player focuses on game object (animal, plant, etc - i.e. a blue halo  shows for the object)
2) Player performs an action (pet, water, feed, massage, etc)
3) In order to re-engage that last object, player taps a target lock key, like ` or t - this causes the blue halo to re-appear around the object (respecting game distance rules, of course) 
4) Player can then use the enter key to get the action menu for the object. 
5) Performing an action on another object, creating an object from a recipe, or leaving the area clears the target. 

Posted 13 years ago by Hobo Zero Bazino Subscriber! | Permalink