
More actions directly from items?

I posted this by mistake over at the general forum:

I'm always a teensy bit frustrated by the way certain objects/actions are presented. For example, when I click on butterfly milk, I get the option to shake it into butter. When I click on rocks, I only have the option to drop it on the floor — despite the fact that there's not much else to do with rocks except grind them down into elements. If I want to grind the rock I have to go to my pestle + mortar.

I understand the logic behind which actions are available from the object menu — basically it seems to be that it requires a tool to function (eg milling spice), then you have to click on the tool (the mill), rather than the object (the allspice). 

And it is logical. But it also feels cumbersome. At the very least, once you've learned that using the spice mill means you can make spices, it would make life a bit easier to simply click on the object and have all actions available.

Posted 13 years ago by wurzel Subscriber! | Permalink