
Celestial Brain - Map of the World

After checking out the game several times and pondering what it is all about and where it may be going, I had to think of what the 'World' might look like. I thought it would be cool to have the world map represented as a 3 dimensional giant brainish looking thing with the lobes being comprised of different galaxies to represent different areas within each lobe that you could rotate to access different areas. The activities of the characters in each area of a lobe could impact the 'healthiness' of that area of the brain and be reflected in the colour of that area. That way, if the residents of that area (characters with homes in the area ) are not being good caretakers of the overall world, thier area would suffer and essentially cause brain damage. In order to improve the health of their area they would have to get to know each other and work at tasks, or quests or missions (whatever you want to call them) to improve the health of thier area and of the overall world. If the residents of the area don't wok to clean up thier act, their area could die (heavy energy drain would be put into the area) and they would have to move to another area and start building again. After a period of time, the damaged area would heal itself and be open to have characters live there again.

It would be cool if you could click on a galaxy within a lobe and travel to a start point in that area.

Posted 14 years ago by Menoboo Subscriber! | Permalink