
(possible skill?) ability to challenge others to races at will

not really much to say. i dunno if this is already possible somehow, as i've been pretty out of the loop for awhile, but:

it'd be swell if we had a way to initiate these neato races and challenges after we've completed the initial quest for them. maybe after acquiring some medium- to higher-level skill? it's honestly one of the more fun parts of this game to me after discovering all the recipes and trudging through most of the tech tree and getting bored with the "exciting" prospect of projects to unlock new streets. i say this as a former tree-poisoning griefer who did so out of boredom with the lack of reason to keep playing the actual game after reaching such a point.

anyway, another cool thing to work on later if the above idea gains traction would be longer challenges and races. they're so fun! but so short.

Posted 13 years ago by proxy metafax Subscriber! | Permalink