
Ideas for Higher Skill Levels

With animal Kinship, It would be cool to have an added skill level that allows animals to follow you (1 at a time). They could follow you around to different streets (but maybe not into your house, that's capturing).
Another Animal Kinship level could allow you to have animals "talk" what you want them to say.

Another Teleportation level can allow you to transport objects between your cabinet at home and yourself on the field, and 
another level can allow you to transport objects to someone else anywhere in the world without a mailbox. Maybe first, they would have to be your "friend". Possibly even they'd have to have the same skill in order to receive? Higher level means the recipient doesn't need that skill?

Something to add after Levitation could be "Throwing", wherein you can throw other players, or maybe even animals. That could be a prerequisite for a later levitation skill of being able to levitate others for extended periods.

Posted 13 years ago by Purple Haze Subscriber! | Permalink