
House features or bugs?

So I went on a spontaneous house tour with a bunch of friendly glitches I found in Ajaya Bliss. It was terrific to just go around and compare all the different places. One odd thing I noticed, and wanted to make sure it was there on purpose (and if not, then report it as a bug and get it fixed!) was that in the Alakol house, the map was included on the screen and we could see each other running around on it. This did not show up in the Meadows or Chakra Phool houses. 

Also, the Alakol fellow could TP us all directly INTO his house... while the rest of us could only TP to our front doors. Is that another reason Alakol houses are so pricey? ;)

Anyway... are those things features or bugs? Inquiring glitches want to know!

Posted 13 years ago by Lilith Subscriber! | Permalink