
Moveable or hideable (maybe the word I'm looking for is "toggleable") Minimap

Every so often, when a tree or a rock wants to chat, said critter's chat bubble (yes, I have decided that in the world of Glitch, rocks and trees are just as much critters as anything else. Work with me) becomes obscured by the Mini-map.

There seems to be no way of moving or hiding the mini-map, and so I occasionally end up missing out on a bit of ancient Glitchian wisdom or lore. It should be noted that I love ancient Glitchian wisdom and lore, and so, when this happens, I shed a little tear.

Please, let us either move or hide our mini-maps and let no tree go unheard!  No rock un ... erm, listened-to. No barnacle unsnuggled. Or something like that.

(I'm heavily buzzed on Cherry Evan Williams + Dr.  Pepper right now. I shouldn't even be typing. But here I am!)

EDIT:  Rats, I should have searched before posting. This has already been reported as a bug. Disregard the drunken ramblings of this lunatic, tree-whispering glitch!

Posted 13 years ago by Kipple Subscriber! | Permalink