
Forget Stoot, Blanky is the one I love.

I know, I proposed marriage to Stoot as an alternative to Serra in the other thread, but I WAS LYING TO MYSELF. Blanky forever! <3333333

Dearest Blanky,
I know, we've never talked, but I've secretly admired your jumping skills (unlike those of my brethren Crap Jumpers), your glitch's lovely orange skin and hand of forum doom from afar. I haven't paid enough attention to know your gender, where you're located, your age or even if you're married already, but we can work past that, right? RIGHT? I promise to start paying more attention if there's a sudden appearance of an SB-1, but I know that's unlikely. Hey, it's worth a shot.
As for me, I'm a British misanthrope who may or may not be doing PR, has an addiction to sparkly things (which probably explains why I'm in AB so much on here) and have possibly joined most social networks under the sun. 

In the immortal words of Rick Astley...

Blanky will never give me up
Blanky will never let me down
Blanky will never run around and desert me
Blanky will never make me cry
Blanky will never say goodbye
Blanky will never tell a lie and hurt me

And, if you don't fancy being married to me, I'm sure there's hundreds/thousands of other glitches (who are better than me, but shush) who will happily offer themselves up too.

Rammi x

P.S: The Game.

Posted 12 years ago by Rammi Subscriber! | Permalink
