Dahlia DreadNaught

Find me at "Kingdom of Loathing" as Dahlia DreadNaught...hope to see you there! Byeeeeeeee!


Minkey Minkey added Dahlia DreadNaught as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Hab Hab added Dahlia DreadNaught as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
Dahlia DreadNaught

Captain's Log: Stardate 1302.4, destination: Real Life, again. Exiting the Uralian world for the last time today. Will not come this way again...there is so much more to explore out there, I fear by circling around and around in this desolate galaxy, we will stagnate and eventually atrophy. So, I bid a fond farewell to all and sundry who wish to remain behind, but I venture forth, seeking out new life and new civilizations...to boldly go where no Glitchen has gone before...[cue operatic singing, fade to black]

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Brib Annie

    Smooth sailing Dahlia! may you make many discoveries and once again find a friendly planet to call Home for a while. It was Good to be here with you.

  2. Hab

    Fare thee well, Dahlia! I cannot leave until the last star burns out, and takes my broken heart with it. But I admire your courage and as BA said, may you find a home. So strange to be making friends after the end of the world, but then, well I guess tragedy always brings people together.

  3. Minkey

    oh, farewell familiar name...I didn't know you in game but maybe in real life somewhere one day. plus, you said "sundry"...happy to read that word. I do wonder if I'll ever know if your gigantic eyeballs look larger or smaller with the goggles on? :) Good Journey!!

    1 reply


see he works!

Reply to
Pickle Bob

Any other SongPop, Draw Something (apps) Kingdom of Loathing, or Nation States players anywhere???????

12 replies

Status update
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Where are you?
I haven't seen you for AGES! I hope all is well with you...we'll have to chat soon (if we're ever on at the same time!!), and you can fill me in on your exciting life!
I'm sure with the advent of nicer weather, you're busy as all get out in RL gardens (which explains the neglect in your street here...I mean, the outbuildings are literally crumbling down...sheesh!)
Hope to see you 'round soon,