

is actually the cat. find me at oscar.oscarette at gmail.com


Status update

Well.... this is very sad. Farewell, friends.

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Jynnan Tonnyx

My dearest piglet Gumbo. I'm sorry I left so suddenly. I've sent instructions to Jekyll; he will fill your bowl of applejack when you are hungry, and hum to you when you are lonely. Look after each other. ~Jyn

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D: No! The Glitch Soundtrack campaign ended before I could snag mine. Gahhh now I'll never have my Glitch music... I'm tempted to email Danny, but I think most likely he's swamped in those emails.

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  1. katlazam

    Me three! I'm comforting myself with the memory of the word iTunes in one of the music threads, but that CD sounded so fun, boo!

    2 replies

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Little Poundcake

Arrrgghhh I found a rare thing that we should've given you guys for that last feat. I didn't realize it had graphics and was ready to go. It is a Pareidolic Giant Image on Toast, which is described as "A piece of toast with what some people claim is an image of Cosma. Initially bought on GleBay." It's cool if you hate me now for accidentally depriving you of valuable, rare toast.

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Status update

Like all the other giants, Cosma now is toast.

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  1. Count Battra

    i'm simultaneously laughing and crying....

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Status update

Luna! Farewell to you. I hope you will be happy.

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