

Nutty, crazy, love to knit and eat popcorn


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It's a site that Hellyeah and I are putting together as a Thank You and a Tribute to Glitch. We only started work on it yesterday due to being so wrapped up in playing before the End of the World. But, it now has a few fun things in it and will be growing every day. I am planning a directory page along with oodles of player snaps and memories. Most likely a live chat or at least an area with information about joining a voice chat like Mumble or TeamSpeak.

5 replies

Status update
2 replies
Valandra reached level 42
a long time ago
Valandra joined Keep in Touch Group
a long time ago
Transcendental Radiation III Valandra finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago
Gina Beana Gina Beana added Valandra as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Valandra was here
And you were here too!! watching me fondle your merch

History behind Strawberry seed
EgIantine left you 1 Spoiled Strawberry Seed and told me to tell you: WOW, thank you for the building permit! I'm adding you tothe list of museum benefactors! Love your tower too <3 (7:00 pm, 71st of Fever, year 23).
Awesome stews will be refilled soon
Leave your name with the butler please and I will let you know asap