Princess Fi

I'm going to miss all of you terribly. Please email me at Cryztal, where did you go??


Princess Fi

Finally reached destination.. Ur's End - 12.09.2012.


At least you didn't sink to the bottom of the sea!


Princess Fi

I shall fade.. With unending love for Glitch and all Glitchen forever in my heart.


Absolutely beautiful, Princess Fi.

1 comment

Princess Fi

Kitchen & Herborium :) and more borccoli..


I should have had you organize my house!!


Princess Fi

Yikes! Guess I shoulda left this one alone. ROFLMAO


Oh, yeah! My first two boxes were like that! Still, it was a really fun day!


Status update
Princess Fi

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. Signing off.. Pr. Fi

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There, I've "archived" my own thing. I've archived the one forum thread that I think is special, more special than the others. I copied and pasted (but not on acid free paper, sorry) the thread about the unmasked secrets the devs have been revealing to us over time. If you would like a copy, you may ask and I will share. It is my one, teensy, tiny, wittle contribution...not much, really, anyone can copy and paste, but I wanted to make at least a tiny bit of effort! Wow, I think I'm tired. Good night, Groddle, good night...

6 replies

Status update
Princess Fi

Hi Minkey, could you please send me the link at Much appreciated :-)

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1 reply
  1. Minkey

    done and is open office so I sent that and then I sent the file I saved in windows...not sure which one you can open, let me know if it doesn't work and I'll send it in text doc format! :)


Hi Guy :)
Love your Starry Rooftop Bar.. Wish we could have had the chance to hop up on the barstools.. LOL. Thanks!
A note!
Well said.. not one I know, ty :)
Take sumpin..
Good pickins!
A note!
Dear Stewart,

Since I was gifted with the opportunity to find your street (and yeah.. ain't tellin nobody), and even though I know you don't need this stuff.. I just want you to know that I am.. [words fail]. soooo appreciative that you dreamed this dream :)

My rl house is a mess, the laundry baskets are overflowing and I barely brush my teeth.. who cares.. there's never enough time for Glitch! lol

Thank you so very much!

Princess Fi, Her Royal Highness, First (I think) Princess of Ur