
(Zoi V)


Magic Monkey Magic Monkey added Zoi as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

When the world closed, I didn't manage to say a final goodbye neither to the people I wanted to nor to my butler. So, this time, I'll say it in advance. Goodbye, friends. Goodbye, Groddle. Goodbye, Glitch.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Brib Annie

    I won't say Goodbye, I can't now but maybe one day. I will say that I hope to see you all from time to time as I travel around the Web. I enjoyed meeting you all!

Status update

*tap tap* This thing on? Hi! Anyone that wants to keep in touch with me before it's the end of the end, drop me a line. Because after the end, it'll be the end.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Brib Annie

    Not so much as the End but a Scattering of Glitchen to all corners of the Web. I'm going to miss the updates here as I am sure I will lose touch with some of you. It has been a great pleasure to be here with you all!


Guides <3


Sche is right, it's guides. :) (Plus some staff plus some random sleeping glitches!)

Status update

Time for new adventures. But never forgetting the old ones.

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Uh oh...