

Just a bit (ok, a lot) crazy! My Glitch date of birth: Twoday 9th of Remember, year 17


Status update

I'm sadder than I thought I would be that Glitch is gone now. It was a little grindy at the end and I didn't play as much, but when they started releasing all the cool stuff at the end, it made me wish that it wasn't ending.

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Serra joined Glitches Anonymous
a long time ago
Serra joined Memories Of The Giants....
a long time ago
Status update

It's just too depressing to play anymore, knowing that it will all be gone in a little over a week.

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1 reply
  1. Treesa

    yes, I know. Its not like before the reset. There was something to look forward to back then.


The new house and tower style I picked -sniffle-


oooh, I like it! I think I would have to don some armour before getting too close, looks medieval!

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The new house and tower style I picked -sniffle-

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