
Everything is dead, & the dead are everywhere. HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME. Every love story is a ghost story. Born: 22nd of Remember, Year 17


Status update

I will not be visiting this site anymore. My website is on my profile, if you need me. Good bye. It is time.

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*waves* Thank you Tiny Speck for a beautiful world. Thank you Friends. May the spirit of Glitch continue on in us.

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Status update

I shall leave my avatar in all black from here out. No longer celebrating holidays with her wardrobe, only the loss of Ur. She is now as black as my heart. Shiola is as ghostly as her songs name sake.

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yeaahhh... I feel ya. I keep coming back here and posting on Glitch because we have conversations like this. It's been an awkward day. I'm wondering if I could get a dog and move to a cabin deep in the woods.

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Status update

I was just telling my mum I wanted to adopt an old english sheep dog & move to a forest in Oregon with a tiny house.

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2 replies
  1. Ooola

    I love sheepdogs! Best dog friend I ever had was an Australian Shepherd. Miss her terribly. I'd be your 20 acres next door neighbor. :) We could meet up for supply runs to town. Gotta have coffee and chocolate ya know.

  2. Minkey

    that's what we did! kinda...we were in a forest in the rockies and now we're in a forest in oregon, with our herding dog and our crazy is nice here


That little Juju is PIIIISSSSSED


goodbye shiola!


A tower of tactiles
What a lovely place
Full of stuff to see & poke
It's almost too much

A haiku for your tower