

Don't drive me Mab!


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please make one of the swarming fireflies?

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Solved, but before I registered there. xD Making more puzzles now too. ^^

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  1. onion

    please make one of the swarming fireflies?

    1 reply


tip your head to the right


Ah, those were the good days... I'm really missing all of this. Hope to see you in another world maybe! =)


Staring into the abyss.


so many places i never got to see....

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Uh-oh. They are swarming...

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sad lonely little homeless glitchen..

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Ah, Badvi Bist!
Thanks for being such a wonderful home street. Also this is the best toy vendor in all of Ur! I will miss you.
Fair Fairgower Lane!
My first ever home street. Lovely treehouse, I will miss you.
Little gift for my adventurous visitors!

(If there is nothing by this note, I have to refill ? sorry!)
Truth is like the stars.
It does not appear except from behind obscurity of the night.
~ Kahlil Gibran
The cake is a lie.
~ "Portal"
A lie has no legs,
and cannot stand; but it has wings, and can fly far and wide.
~ George and Eliot Warburton
Your lies are like bananas.
They come in big yellow bunches.
~ Ryan Harrison in "Wrongfully accused"
Lies are like a fire.
They can either keep you warm or burn you to death, depending on how they're used.
~ after Max Brooks

After all this time this is still a fruit tree street!
Sad bear.
They say all good things have to come to an end.

I just wish it wasn't just now. =(

Thanks TS for this wondeful experience! I'll miss Ur.