Chester Todd

just ate two raw garlic cloves. ARGH.


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Chester Todd

I am so glad I found you all here in Glitch. There are people who have become a part of my daily life now, even though I don't get to run around squeezing things with them anymore. It was a gift and I treasure all of you.

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Scarlett Bearsdale

Exeunt stage right, crying complicated tears full of many feels.

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I still miss Glitch, and everyone who was here, but I've tried to avoid looking back.

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Chester Todd

ok i'm pretty sure i liked-spammed all of Scarlett's recent posts :) ahhh i miss you all!!

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Scarlett Bearsdale

My favourite part of the old-style house I had on Lorme Rush ... love the cabinet, love the bonsai, love the lamp and the water sculpture. The piggy feeders used to be outside, obviously.


you are missed...
Tragus you were a special gentleman. All the Tims miss you... I know the blessings from all the spirits are caring for you.
