



*if you harvest anything from the gardens please clean and replant the plots so others can use them too. Click on ha2la's sign for the Grand Route or Fimblepinch Malarky for the random route. Autumnbot's Street: -Left side a dirt pile 4 plot crop garden beryl rock Wood Tree,Egg Tree,and a Bean Tree firefly swarm -Right Side Bubble Tree,Gas Tree,Spice Tree,and Fruit Tree a 4 plot herb garden a 15 plot crop garden a metal rock and a peat bog. *if you harvest anything from the gardens please clean and replant the plots so others can use them too. Click on ha2la's sign for the Grand Route or Fimblepinch Malarky for the random route.
Please take and leave whatever you want,just please replant whatever you take and clean up afterwards. Thanks! ps. DON'T TAKE THE NOTE!
My Tower
Feel free to help me build it if you would like. :D I'm not on here as much as I use to be,so I don't have the time nor patience to build it haha. Thanks so much in advanced.
I miss you so much,message me whenever you get on so we can catch up!
So sory about the confusion,I know you've been gone for BMT,so I'm sure I confused the hell out of you with my name change and everything. It's Autumn though,I'm more than likely changing my name back since it keeps confusing everyone. Glad to hear you're back though! I know you won't be on as much now that you're busy,but you can always message me and I'll get a notification sent to my phone. Talk to you later.
Thank you so much stoot!
Thank you for making Glitch amazing!! I wish it wasn't over,but it was fun while it lasted!! :D