
(Ian Cook)

Your Faithful Glitchen Photographer, Infernlmagician iancookstudios


Status update
0 replies
Lost on land again Lost on land again added Infernlmagician as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

I'm glad people are still logging in and posting things. =] It's nice to know our community is still active, post Armageddon. =D

0 replies
Transcendental Radiation III Infernlmagician finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago
Hi Flyer Infernlmagician earned the Hi Flyer badge
a long time ago


I broke your dirt pile!
I dug all across here for some errfs. And I broke these urfs. So I fixed the errfs up, and I got a medal for it. Thank you!
It happened again over here!
Thank you! =D-
A note!
Thanks for the hug.

Here's one back