Lost on land again


Status update
Lost on land again

I just changed clothes.. It made me very, very sad... :(

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Lost on land again joined SDB Vending Towers
a long time ago
Status update
Lost on land again

Why.. why... WHY?? Do I still miss this game so very much?

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Kip Konner Kip Konner added Lost on land again as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
Ever been note spammed? Well, you have now!
A note!
Too bad they don't have Glitch Sticky notes that explode when you open the bag
Didn't matter how bad of a day I had, or how icky I felt. I'd sign on to the magical world of Glitch and the 'simple' act of mining a sparkly with a few friends made everything okay.

I went thru anger, when I first heard. "NOOO, how can they do this to us??". Then I went thru denial "this is a joke, they're kidding". Then extreme sadness. Cried for days. Still am. But now I"m going thru some understanding. What is, is.. I am seeing that I was very luck to have been a part of something so awesome while it was here. I can't thank the TS staff enough for all the smiles and good times. The beauty, the friendship, the glitchen love.
I will take what I learned here out into the real world. I will say "hi' to strangers I pass and see if our hi's match. I will bestow random kindness. I may even water random gardens from time to time. I better not squeeze any chickens though.. :-) Happy Glitching All!