Kip Konner


iMGd: 73 Fever, Year 17. Been nice knowin' ya. Hope to see you again.


Status update
Kip Konner

I was struck with an unexpected and severe yearning to play Glitch today. I've had to be satisfied with perusing the forum and playing with various peoples' well-meaning attempts at mini-games, etc. Still trying to find a replacement but nothing will ever compare. I miss you people. ((((My Glitchen))))

0 replies
Arthur Dent-Ur Arthur Dent-Ur added Kip Konner as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Gwynne Gwynne added Kip Konner as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
Kip Konner

Spent a few hours loading my profile page updates all the way back to the beginning. Enjoyed reading my personal history. Added anyone who ever added me and re-added folks I had previously cut for inactivity. I don't know why. Almost 38 days after closure, I'm mostly recovered and haven't been pining for Glitch like I thought I would. Guess I'm moving on but I keep coming back to check once in a while. It's nice to see so many of my friends still active here in any way they can be. Hang on with both hands and your feet!

3 replies

3 replies
  1. kastlin

    I've been debating the complete profile page thing. Now I think I'm going to do it!!

  2. acro, obviously

    Nice tiara. And good on ya for having the patience to download all your history! I'm still clinging like a monkey. And I know I don't know you but if you're interested, I did this and you might want it - is the collection of screencaps of all the upgrades I collected over the last few weeks. Enjoy, spread the love before our Urniverse disappears entirely!

    1 reply

  3. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    I will hang on like a sloth until the bitter end...I would be perfectly happy to have this site for posting for the rest of my life...I will cling until my grip is severed because it is all we have left, and reading the updates stimulates my memories....

    1 reply

Deimaginator Deimaginator added Kip Konner as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Piece of Serenity Piece of Serenity added Kip Konner as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Dear Vera,
Thanks for befriending me almost a year ago and thanks for all you've done to make Ur a more interesting place.

It wouldn't have been the same without your genius contributions to the wackiness and I always appreciated your effort.

Squishy hug,

Kip (and Oblivia Dollface and Ivy HIbbly-Pibbly)