Shmoopie Kerfuffle

Born into Glitch on Fabday, Fourth of Doom, Year 16.


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**hugs** me too. I stopped trying not to come back a while ago when I realized it was impossible. I've added myself to the mage faire forums which has several glitchen already participating. You can, too!!

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Shmoopie Kerfuffle

I can't stay away either. I was aware that mage faire had opened forums, but didn't know people were posting there. I will just move to there!

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I'm finishing my story here, I just wanted to thank those of you who have been reading , added likes and comments Thank You For you who wanted to be in the story, you are so there, each one of you who touched my world continues along with me, I have no intention of letting you go or forgetting you no will I forget Ur and all its awesomeness. It lives on along with each and everyone of you in our imaginations and we truely were blessed and will be Glitchen for ever more. Yes I am very emotional right now, but I think that it is a good thing . . . ((hugs))

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Shmoopie Kerfuffle

((hugs)) to you Fae...have you compiled your story all in one place? I would love to have a copy of it from beginning to end...It is truly beautiful and touching,,,

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  1. Faereluth

    Hi Shmoopie I have a text file on my lappy, I do need to go through it and proof read it. As yet no plans to put it online myself, :D Thanks for you kind words ((hugs))

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Slowly ideas drift into my thoughts. Drinking bubble tea each thought pops slowly into veiw and I grasp at it eager to claim it. "So Joe I always believed there were 12 Giants, the 11 we all knew . . . plus one other, a personal one." I look around nervously half expecting to be smited by the very Giants themselves. Joe is smiling, he nods encouraging me to continue. "Eleven Giants created Ur and everything upon it including us, but . . . butt . . .but Joe they did not choose the color of my skin, the shape of my nose, or the way I wear my hair. They didnt choose what I came to know or where I went each day, who I am . . . and No I am not saying that I am a giant but that there is another Giant who is my Giant, and I'm not the only Glitchen who has their own, you do to, and everyone here does . . ." I look across the room to the fireplace where a bowlcut in black is chatting to a pale alien . . . even the Gods." I take a sip of tea trying desperately to get my ideas said before I lose my nerve. "Not only did my Giant make me who I am but she loves me . . . so much . . . she wont let me fade to sorrow. She has created for me, and for all those I love, a refuge, a place we can always be together . . . within her imagination, within her heart. I . . ." Dong!!! The bowl cut in black leaps in the air, spins and runs over to the gleeful group of cat ears, The room errupts in squeals of laughter . . . I turn back to Joe, " . . .I am not afraid anymore not for me and not for you. Our Giants will show us new things and new places and we will be Glitchen always. . . .

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Shmoopie Kerfuffle

I haven't seen every episode, but I have loved this story so much...and most of all, I love the the last line, "we will be Glitchen always"...amen to that....once a Glitch, always a Glitch....

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Vustom Vustom added Shmoopie Kerfuffle as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Day 5 Spam 2: Shrine/giants thread: It took some doing (I searched for "but in german"), but I found a thread which I laughed my head off at before. It's the thread where someone asked for a shrines and giants explanation, and then it changed into an explanation a hundred different ways, like in different languages or upside down or as a limerick.

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Shmoopie Kerfuffle

This is another illustration of why I so loved Glitch! :)

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This is the cutest tower I've seen. it's height is just right, contributing to it's cuteness. It's like another little house!
So much potential here...
I look forward to seeing it finished! Perhaps you can rent it to Glitch weddings, too!~
I love this room...
I read most of it, and want to come back and read it again....especially about Snow White's other dwarfs.
I was here too....
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