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Day 5 Spam 2: Shrine/giants thread: It took some doing (I searched for "but in german"), but I found a thread which I laughed my head off at before. It's the thread where someone asked for a shrines and giants explanation, and then it changed into an explanation a hundred different ways, like in different languages or upside down or as a limerick.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Fernstream

    I remember that thread! I laughed and laughed about it as well. Thanks for bringing it up. I remember it as an early forum experience of mine- "look at this," I told a RL friend. "This is why I love Glitch."

    1 reply

  2. kastlin

    Some of the best work by fellow glitchen!! Only here would you get this many versions of the same answer! We're awesomesauce!!

  3. Ann DramaDuh

    I just spent over a half an hour reading that thread! Fantastic! Thanks for finding it and telling us about it!

  4. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    This is another illustration of why I so loved Glitch! :)

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Status update
Shmoopie Kerfuffle

This is another illustration of why I so loved Glitch! :)

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