

"Ain't nuthin' illegal 'til ya get caught" -- Steve Tickle


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acro, obviously

I know it's been said a thousand times and a thousand times more, but I just want to log in... just for minute! Just to verify that Agent Cooper is doing his job and that my pigs are fed and my crops are harvested and my quoins are collected. And that I haven't missed any mail or gifts or pranks. Maybe the Yoga Frog is waiting on me. I think I might have an exhausted auction or two. Or perhaps a new friend request... someone random. This would have irritated me previously but I get it now. I'm sorry I was slow on the uptake. I miss you all and I miss this place and I can't believe it's been two months and my magic genie hasn't brought it back for me.

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Status update

"agent cooper" w00t! time machine! "good coffee! and HOT!"

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  1. acro, obviously

    How about some nerdcore in deference to Twin Peaks? (I apologize in advance)

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Look at my face, glitchens. Look at what lack of glitch has done to me. My aura is peeling, my eyes have gone shopping and now have bags. I have to content myself by playing Lemo's handmade games, but the actual players themselves are missing. I don't know where to go...but the Minecraft graphics make me cringe. Sincerely, Bacon-Without-a-Game

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Status update
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Status update

b/c we're all focusing the power of our brains to keep the servers cranking. oof! ouch!

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Reply to
The Cat Face

Sure! Just tell me which phone/tablet you have so I can get the size right.

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Status update

rly? i have HTC Evo and i have a rooted Nook Color. don't make it be too much trouble

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Status update
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  1. The Cat Face

    Sure! Just tell me which phone/tablet you have so I can get the size right.

    1 reply


one gimp mask
i will hide here!
miss voluptua will never notice!