
I 'm an artist and art teacher based in NYC. I make videos, visit Egypt a lot, and have two cats with egyptian names....


NEOTESTER NEOTESTER added sakmet as a friend! (it's mutual)
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sakmet reached level 44
a long time ago
ThursdayNext ThursdayNext added sakmet as a friend! (it's mutual)
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Libation Lover sakmet earned the Libation Lover badge
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Mrs Hall Mrs Hall added sakmet as a friend! (it's mutual)
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A note!
Hi Dr. Diva!
Yay, so glad you joined the game!
Tail Een Po
Well I ain't scared, my daddy put thick strong overlapped shingles of oak wood on the roof, ain't nothing can get through the roof!"

The thing still wispered:
"Tail een po, tail een po.... where's my tail een po?"

Now Aggie could catch a small whiff of some distinct ghastly smell coming through tiny spaces between the logs.

"Tail een po, tail een po... where's my tail een po?"

Now it's on the roof.......