Pick A Lily

A lovely little world to escape to....making friends and learning new skills. How could my little Pick A Lily go wrong....


Status update
Pick A Lily

Ditto what Riivergirl said....RainCat brought me to Glitch and I shall be forever grateful. It's hard to top the best and Glitch IS the best. To all Glitchens everywhere, remember to pet a piggy, squeeze a chicken and sing to a butterfly. It's good for the soul. Emo hugs :).

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Smallchalet Smallchalet added Pick A Lily as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Lyrical DejaVu Lyrical DejaVu added Pick A Lily as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
stoot barfield

My home street style for the end

Pick A Lily

This street design was my favorite....so peaceful.



Piano Party

Pick A Lily

Herein (above) lives the beauty of Glitch and "being" Glitchen. I am so happy I had the opportunity to be a Glitchen. Thank you all for your friendship and love to all of you. Long live Glitch in our hearts, minds and beautiful memories.


Pick A Lily

Civility's Final Gathering


A note!
Be Glitch, Be Happy