Xacau Feera Blin

(Also known as shakha.)

Imagined on Theday, 42nd of Fever, Year 15. shakha.glitch@gmail.com


Status update
Xacau Feera Blin

Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, Groddle. <3 I've loved this experience more than I know how to express. Thank you all so very much for... just everything. I'll miss this beautifully wacky, rainbow juicy world.

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TY for the tissues. I think Brib Annie said we all should have bought stock in Kleenex . I sure have used a lot of it!

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Status update
Xacau Feera Blin

If only we had access to all that excess paper from the ancestral lands!

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sure was tough to sing the last line. :( I'd better go and try to dry my tears.

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  1. Marla

    TY for the tissues. I think Brib Annie said we all should have bought stock in Kleenex . I sure have used a lot of it!

    2 replies

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Status update
Xacau Feera Blin

Thank you so much! ((hugs everyone)) That last line was a tough one, but we would have had to sing it soon enough anyway...

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  1. Marla

    sure was tough to sing the last line. :( I'd better go and try to dry my tears.

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Thank you so much :)
It's very generous of you to leave me those gifts! :D Good ideas, too! For now, I've taken the community kitchen food out of the bag again so that visitors can pick it up while exploring the home streets more easily. The pigs have been moved to the left with a trusty Piggy Stick, so they shouldn't eat it. The crops and seeds can stay organised in a bag by the crop plots, since anyone that wants to use the plots will be hanging out a bit longer on my street anyway. :) Thank you for all your help and ideas! (hugs)

Since I'm only using one bag, I'm returning the other with some thank you gifts. :)

Hope to see you around Ur sometime! :D

ETA: I wrote this note a few hours ago. Since then, the bag of crops, food and garden have been cleared, I expect, by one player. Of course, that's why I leave it out (albeit not all for one individual), but I'm now worried that the bag I've left here for you will be stolen. I'll look for you online to give it to you in person :) See you soon!