NutMeg Botwin


<3 Love for all things gamey, TV, movie, pinup, and art related. :)


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NutMeg Botwin

Varaeth, I miss you. Seeing you always brightened my day.

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NutMeg Botwin

I shouldn't have opened the app up. It just made me sadder to see so many friends who will disappear. Please join our glitch Facebook group if you haven't already. I think we've got somewhere close to 2000 members? (I can't be exactly sure at the moment, but it's over a thousand. And it's a lot.)

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Take me back. Take me back, take me back to any time before three months and a few hours ago... Take me home. I feel like part of me got left behind on December 9 and has been frozen there; it seems wrong that time still passes. Unfair, cold, how thoughtless of time to pull me away from the world I belong in, the world we belong in. For a while, I stepped out of Ur and tried to bring Glitchiness to Earth... But I've run out. Take me back. Glitch has gone away and left half of me to stumble forward, empty. I've tried clicking my heels...

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NutMeg Botwin

You always make me laugh, even when I'm about to cry!

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(At risk of spamming update feeds, sorry, but there's nowhere else for me right now.) And it hits me again that Ur closed and the site will vanish. Because I need it badly again. I could always depend on you all, because you were here with me no matter what real life was like for me at the time. I always had my friends here and a world to escape to... I could use an escape just now.

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Yeah but not a single place that has us all in it together. The only one will be gone come Recurse. I still can't fathom that. Even when the game closed, you were all still here. Ur was made what it was by its citizens, so when we remained it didn't feel gone, just closed to us. Now... Gone.

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