

Getting-There Tree Hugger shaena earned the Getting-There Tree Hugger badge
a long time ago
shaena reached level 16
a long time ago
Wanderer shaena earned the Wanderer badge
a long time ago
First Emblem of Mab shaena earned the First Emblem of Mab badge
a long time ago
Super-Sized Sycophant shaena earned the Super-Sized Sycophant badge
a long time ago


A note!
Congratulations on all the hard-work you've put in to this amazing game!
A note!
Thank you to you and all the amazing people who worked on this amazing game! You all created something amazing and inspiring. I've never seen such a supportive and friendly online world and that's something to be proud.

Best of luck to all the people at Glitch on all your future projects!