

"I shall name him squishy and he shall be my squishy."


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Skippy ???

Barney ended up being some black guy who had 5 siblings who's nickname while growing up was "Preacher". So good job David Joyner.

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Status update

LOL just now seeing this... Oh well. Still Barney..... But not on the inside!!

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Status update

Glitches- I'm afraid the end is midnight where I'm located, so this is goodbye. I just want to let you all know how much this game has impacted me.... All the giving and caring people out there that I never new existed. I used to think everyone out there was a Scrooge... But I met you guys!! I will miss you all so much that I can't even explain it. I love you all so much.... Remember that I will miss you guys so much and that if you're ever in a rough patch that people from glitch are probably thinking of you :) I love you guys! ~~Aubree and Sutton~~

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Kukubees amazing homestreet

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  1. Skippy ???

    Barney ended up being some black guy who had 5 siblings who's nickname while growing up was "Preacher". So good job David Joyner.

    1 reply


Trapped in a Parallel Universe pt 2
He didn't know what to do! He ran back and fourth, Tried to ask people for help, but all he could do was stay there! He eventually got up the nerve to try to just win the game. Maybe then he could get out. So he suited up, armor and all, and headed out to level 1.
Shooting the opponments on his way through, He used every cheat code he could remember entering in the game to get further. Throwing bombs in real life was much more exauhsting than in the game! After hours and hours of playing, He beat it once again. Nothing happened. Then it hit him... He would have to die! So he reset the game and put it on super duper extra hard. he walked up to the nearest person on the other team, and they shot him. He fell to the ground immidiately. a few hours later, he woke up in his bed. It was all just a dream. Or was it?