Rock Samsonite


Raking in the iMG Rock Samsonite earned the Raking in the iMG badge
a long time ago
Meteloides Meteloides added Rock Samsonite as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Bead Threader Rock Samsonite earned the Bead Threader badge
a long time ago
Pumpkin Carver Rock Samsonite earned the Pumpkin Carver badge
a long time ago
Cauda Completist Rock Samsonite earned the Cauda Completist badge
a long time ago
Groddle Meadow Completist Rock Samsonite earned the Groddle Meadow Completist badge
a long time ago


A note!
Goodbye, Glitch.

Be happy. Love one another. Try to be kind.