

I love you Glitch!!! goodbye old friend


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seriously, this is ridiculous. i can't get over you glitch. i check every day and wish so badly you will come back.

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hehehehe maybe (and hopefully) so:) it was the best one i've ever been too, too.

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Hmm I'd say the father daughter dance was a success, wouldn't you? Kassidy r kept looking over at us though and was talking to meighan s... I was like whatchu lookin at?

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maybe she was looking at her bros future wife. i think it was a success. i actually thought it was the best one that i've been to.

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    hehehehe maybe (and hopefully) so:) it was the best one i've ever been too, too.

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is it just me, or is it really sad that the rock is saying "I'm done learning!" like it's dying or something? :(

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A note!
i saw your note. i will miss glitch so much!
A note!
This is my favorite floor. I love Harry Potter and this whole tower!

slow down and wait a while. enjoy the view. it's ending far to soon.

Luv you all!!!! I will miss this game so much!