tina turnertron

some people say that I'm a dreamer.....but I'm not the only one


Status update
tina turnertron

Hi all, just spent a wonderful afternoon Alpha testing wanderthegame.com with a great group of glitchen. None of whom I knew here. Just proves to me again that the community in this crazy wacky game was so important. Hope to see you all there! Beautiful art.

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JW JW added tina turnertron as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
tina turnertron

Merry Xmas to all my fellow Glitchens......God how I miss you all!

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A note!
Wow I am so going to miss this place!!!!! Great friendships were made here. So very very sad. Tina
A note!
Dear Stoot,
could you please shut down Glitch for at least one day this month so we could get our income tax done!!!

A Canadian Kootenay resident, Nelson B.C.

P.S. Love the game but late tax return is not a good excuse lol
A note!
Please feel free to meditate here