


Reply to
Reserved One

Goodbye to those of us who have not found each other since Glitch. There will never be another "Glitch" but I hope our paths will cross again one day in game world or perhaps in the real world. This has been an amazing adventure with crazy fun & so many heart warming moments. We should continue to honor Glitchen ways by spreading random kindnesses & sharing hugs. Glitch holds the happiest of memories for me & it is in within my heart, that Glitch will live on forever. Thank you Glitch & thank you my friends. Farewell for now my friends until we "meet" again. Love & "Hugs"

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Status update

Ah RO, missed you last night. Sol Hawk and I were on the Last Post and the First Word threads in the forums. Couldn't really chat but it was great just to know he is still out there and ok. He is missing Glitch too.

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cinnamom6 joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
Status update
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Status update

The end is neigh...again. I am sitting here in the stillness wondering where the comfort has gone. I don't know how many of my Glitchen friends are stilling hanging on but I wanted to say to those who are how much it meant for me to be able to be a fellow Glitchen with you all. The memories of the beauty, the helpful giving attitude, the wit, the fun, the laughter, and the just plain silliness will remain forever with me. Fare thee well to you all and in the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us everyone!" p.s. I once saw a Tshirt that said "I live in my own little world, but it is ok because they like me there." That is how I feel about Ur and all my Glitchen friends. Thank you!

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A note!
Not all who wander are lost