Reserved One


Status update
Reserved One

Goodbye to those of us who have not found each other since Glitch. There will never be another "Glitch" but I hope our paths will cross again one day in game world or perhaps in the real world. This has been an amazing adventure with crazy fun & so many heart warming moments. We should continue to honor Glitchen ways by spreading random kindnesses & sharing hugs. Glitch holds the happiest of memories for me & it is in within my heart, that Glitch will live on forever. Thank you Glitch & thank you my friends. Farewell for now my friends until we "meet" again. Love & "Hugs"

1 reply

1 reply
  1. cinnamom6

    Ah RO, missed you last night. Sol Hawk and I were on the Last Post and the First Word threads in the forums. Couldn't really chat but it was great just to know he is still out there and ok. He is missing Glitch too.

Reply to

To be here or to not be here? Is that even a question? There is no where else to be for me, or at least that I have found. So here I will be till the end. Again. I have been wondering if there is anyone still here that feels the same. A big emo-bear hug and random kindness to my fellow glitchen friends if you are still here. Miss you all so very much!

1 reply

Status update
Reserved One

& at least another one of the 4 "Glitchenteers" is right here with you Cinn. & I feel the same. Maybe if we never sign out we will simply remain right here in a twilight zone of our beautiful Glitch. Miss you too & everyone & everything Glitchen. Sending Emo-bear hugs & random kindness right back to you. Happy we have stayed in touch here & via regular e-mail. Take care Cinn (another heavy sigh). RO

1 reply

1 reply
  1. cinnamom6

    Oh, I like that image...the twilight zone music is running through my head right now hehe.. I have been doing as you must be, lurking like the Lorax. Thanks for letting me know you are still here. Give Sugar a pat for me and be sure to stay in touch!

Reply to
Pitti Sing

I am fully into denial; nothing bad is going to happen March 25th - well, nothing as bad as losing my last link to the Glitch magic that is all of you. You are in my heart; you have changed how I see the world, and the people in it. You even treated trolls with kindness - I want that in my own being, so I am following you... all of you wonderful Glitchen.

1 reply

Status update
Reserved One

I'm with you Pitti, denial. It's as I said to another Glitchen that still comes here too. If I can't sign in, well then I refuse to sign out! Even if many Glitchen's paths do not cross again, for those of us who truly love (yes still love) this beautiful land, the memories live on in our hearts.

0 replies
Emerald Fern Emerald Fern added Reserved One as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Pitti Sing Pitti Sing added Reserved One as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
Free as a butterfly fluttering through the trees. Loving it!
Have a perfect day :-)
A note!
Have a happy day !
A note!
Glad you reached the top of this tree,
stay a bit & share the view with me. :-)
I hope our paths will cross again one day in another fantasyland such as "Glitch". This has been an amazing adventure. Best of everything to you & yours in the real world.