Strawberry Mousse

This is my escape from the "totally-not-as-awesome-because-I-can't-milk-the-butterflies-world". That's my reason; why do you play? =^-^= <3


Mining IV Strawberry Mousse finished learning the Mining IV skill
a long time ago
Status update
Strawberry Mousse

I want to play... but now it makes me want to cry. I dunno if I can play while crying, I don't want to short-circuit my laptop.

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First Faunasphere, now Glitch. It's just too sad.

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Status update
Strawberry Mousse

This is just one more sad on top of a craptastical day... I want to cry. Glitch was my escape... what now?

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Tinkering IV Strawberry Mousse finished learning the Tinkering IV skill
a long time ago
Intermediate Larva Lover Strawberry Mousse earned the Intermediate Larva Lover badge
a long time ago


Re: Eggs & Beans
It made me snort. =P
This room...
...needs more pizzazz.

Or pizza. Totally should get that rug.

And now I'm kinda hungry...

What was I doing again?

*wanders off*
Much better!
I like it! Still want pizza though. I need to fix that. =P