

i'm not saying goodbye cause I do strongly believe we will be back here again (or I'm still in the stage of denial). so just see you soon


Gohawk Gohawk added tututu as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
tututu joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
Little Poundcake

It's a piggypocalype survivor! Or maybe a well-disguised PIGGY ZOMBIE OMG RUN


^ Future Shock , she's staff.

Status update

my magic rock is back! started to get worried about him.

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Reply to
Maria Diatorre

One of the things I loved about Glitch: the notes. It was always a welcome surprise to read someone else's thoughts or writing in some nook or cranny while exploring a region; and being able to leave my scenery-inspired poetry in the Vortex, too. Alright, I think that's enough of my introspective spam. Sorry about the flood, friends!

1 reply

Status update

don't be sorry,it's nice to come here and read updates from people , makes glitch still alive :)

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