Serenity's Mommy

I was first imagined by the Giants 4 years, 90 days, 17 hours, and 45 minutes ago on the date Weddingday 40th of Fever, year 18


Serenity's Mommy

Stray butterfly. But I dont want to use a stick so I'll let them roam where ever they like.

Reply to
Piece of Serenity

It has been my fortune to play two amazingly unique MMOs in my life now. I have met in each, people I would never have met otherwise and I hope to never lose. You are amazing, all of you. I will hold you all close to my heart in the coming days as we adjust to this momentous event in our lives. We will find another home. Though it will not be as 'us' as Glitch has been, we will be together. Love you to the moon and back.

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Status update
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Status update
Serenity's Mommy

Learned all the skills that are available! At least I can feel like I accomplished something before the game closes :(

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Transcendental Radiation III Serenity's Mommy finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago


Feed the piggies?
Please help feed the piggies by adding to the feeder when empty. I made piggies for this new player, and the feeder, then realized the new player cant fill said feeder! SIlly me! Please dont let the piggies starve!
But its a good kind of sticky! Come here, let me touch you I'll get your hands sticky too! LOL