cheese danish king



Reply to
bored no more

for those of you that aren't friends with me on FB or are and haven't heard, my family and I are being evicted. I have no idea where I will be living in about a month. We may be able to get a few more months, but we can't stay. I feel so lost right now.

37 replies

Status update
cheese danish king

OMG I'm so sorry, i hope things get better for oyu and that things smooth out ASAP, just know where always hear

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I am a little mad that people are making groups to "nag the devs" to bring Glitch back. Don't you think they're sad too? Probably more upset than us regular Glitchen.

4 replies

Status update
cheese danish king

And don't you think that they tried their hardest to keep the game open they tried everything they could, they had a feat, and they where very stright foward about us not being able to help out and keep this game open. The Devs feele horrible about this and they probaly do feel like they let us down (even though they really didn't) theres nothing we can do they already knocked the game down to one server and I dought they would even hink about building it back up.

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Reply to
Flamingo Pink

What games are most of you playing? I'm extremely bored and tried lots of websites already.. I cannot download though because i have a poo computer. By the Way, I'm gladly informing you guys that I am PREGNANT with my first child!

10 replies

Status update
cheese danish king

Congrats I'm waiting there's a roumor going around that stoots going to announce a new project in 2013

1 reply

1 reply
Little Poundcake

I love my meat palace.

cheese danish king

does the meat on the shelf come with the shelf?

Doctor Yum Yum Doctor Yum Yum added cheese danish king as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Dear Stoot,
thank you for all you and your friends have done. This is one of the most awesomest games i've ever played! I really love how the staff members are so open about being staff members and are open to fixxing the bugs! So please tell all of the staff members, I GIVE A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!