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Little Poundcake

Good news! We're keeping the forums up. They'll be read-only — no new posts — but you can read them to your heart's content.

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Status update

Guys, I've said a lot of things, but nothing can truly express what Glitch means to me. I've had so much fun jumping for no reason, and I've met so many friends. Even if we shall never meet again, I will remember you with all my heart.

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2 replies
  1. Hab

    As you will be remembered as well, SQ. Thank you for your many kind and beautiful comments. I didn't know you until after the game ended, and yet those moments will too remain. *hugs*

  2. Theremina Lute

    You were such an inspiring Glitchen! I'll never forget Glitch and all its preposterous amazingness.

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I am going to die here.
This room is my home.
Thank you!
Thanks so much for the use of your herb plots. I harvested some and replanted all. Rookswort is of great use to me with keeping up the mood. Thanks again!
Found 12/9/12 (EOTW)
4:48 pm EST Thank you.
I will miss you, Glitch
I love you guys.