Octavious Orion


29/m Atlanta, Ga, U.S.A.. Pagan, Gay, and partnered for 5 years+ :D


Status update
Octavious Orion

Good bye all. It was great playing the game with you all when it was open. I always loved this community. TinySpeck, thank you for a wonderful game. If anyone cares to, you can find me on Google+ at plus.google.com/11482729790...

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Guys, do you remember the loading screen? The one that tormented us with its slowness? It's strange, but I want to see it now. Does anyone happen to have a video of it? I would like to look at Ur grow before my eyes again.

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Status update
Octavious Orion

i'm not finding anything with just the loading screen yet...but i did find this... www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHX...

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What's happened to the lovely ?

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