
that's about the size, where you put your eyes :]


Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added harriette as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

I, of course, will be resting in my white bathrobe, pink dead bunny slippers, white buttfeathers on head, dark blue skin, and engaging toothy smile. I think i have my tiara on under my headbuttfeathers. Thus is eternal perfection achieved, in perpetuity. Hi, flask! Hi, everybody!

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Count Battra

i really don't think i can put into words how much this place has meant to me over the last year plus. the sheer awesomeness of my friends and the community has been staggering... and very much like everyone else, i miss it terribly... it has been clear to me since a bit after close that glitch was an escape for me. the game, and each and every one of you has made me a better person. since close i've been a bit of a moody bastard, so i've kept myself buried in my old cave home in aranna where no one has to be exposed to me. Now more than ever i just feel so out of place and useless. so it's time for me to re-join the outside world. i have a pouch and i have a couple prints, with a soundtrack and a book not far around the corner.... and the sad thing is when i have them all together i'll enjoy them for a few days, then pack it all up in a box and store it away... for my sanity THAT sadly starts now, i'm logging out for good. never to return... Someday our paths may cross somewhere else, it is a small world (and getting smaller) after all. i wish you all the best of luck, we sure had some fun times... (((HUGS))) to all!

11 replies

Status update

Well, I am going to make a small Glitch shrine in my favourite room - Buntybot, MusicBox, a Magic Rock my grandson made, my harriette doll - and i really believe the whole ensemble will be completed by a Giant dice (die) - and this will serve as a reminder to always keep the memory of Glitch with me IRL - to be kinder, to jump higher and oftener, to scratch my butt and rock on my heels, to say yes to parties instead of no, to give bags and emblems to people for no reason, to cook with bat guano, and pet trees. I am a better person After Glitch and I thank you all so much :)

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1 reply
  1. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    This is beautiful, harriette...very touching...tell Elphen hi for me, please.

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Status update

I am here, clinging to a life raft, as well :)

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Voluptua Sneezelips

Memory lane. This took place between beta tests last year, before game launch, and is a great example of how we made friends while the game wasn't even open. www.glitch.com/forum/genera...

11 replies

Status update

wow! just wow. I wanted to comment, of course, but the thread seems to be ... closed due to lack of comments for 30 days :( ty tho

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Voluptua Sneezelips

    Glad you and everyone enjoyed! It's from Sept 2011, pre-reset, so there've definitely been many times' worth of 30 days since the thread closed. At the time, it died because we all stampeded back into the world when it opened for another beta test, and from there we moved into the heady days of reset and launch. Makes me shake my head to see me gleefully state in the last post that I'm level 14. <3

    2 replies