


Where I shall be, when the world ends. Love you, Glitch and Glitchen!

Raking in the iMG Kammie earned the Raking in the iMG badge
a long time ago
knitten knitten added Kammie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
MojoMerlin MojoMerlin added Kammie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Pitti Sing Pitti Sing added Kammie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Wannabe Fly Flycatcher Kammie earned the Wannabe Fly Flycatcher badge
a long time ago


I love you, Glitch!
Miss you already!
Thank you!
If I were eloquent, I might have the right words to express my gratitude for your creative efforts and the safe, calm place your minds imagined and brought to life. As it is, all I can offer are my most sincere thanks and deep regret that it is ending. May your future journies be wonderfully vast. We will miss you dearly.