Itty Bitty Bunny

(Bloodthirsty Bunnykins)

I love you a bushel, a peck, a hug around the neck, a barrel, a heap and I'm talking in my sleep. About you.


Potionmaking III Itty Bitty Bunny finished learning the Potionmaking III skill
a long time ago
Raking in the iMG Itty Bitty Bunny earned the Raking in the iMG badge
a long time ago
Itty Bitty Bunny joined The Welcome Wagon
a long time ago
Itty Bitty Bunny joined The Hidden Floor
a long time ago
Itty Bitty Bunny joined Animals of Doom
a long time ago


Love never goes unnoticed.
1 Who, pray tell, are the saints who bequeath'd all sorts of delights and blessings upon my unworthy rabbit head? Doth this bevy of kind souls watching over me knowest that this coney hath been very humbled by their kindnesses?
2 There shall forever be blessings in heaven to those that pass this way, always and forever, amen.

IBB 1:1-3