I love the trees in my backyard.
shhexy corin

You can get rid of cultivations easily by pouring Wine of the Dead
12 years ago
Awww, the piggies look happy, too!
12 years ago
Shhexers -- but that would mean going to hell. I seem to be the only Glitch who doesn't spend time there.

Kastlin -- pigs are happy because there are no chickens back there. :) The pigs hate the chickens. There's a fowl swine feud.
12 years ago
(good grief. that took a zillion postings to get that right. what's up fingers?)
12 years ago
Carl Projectorinski
I'm pretty sure someone would be perfectly happy to appropriate a Wine of the Dead for you. :D I have one or two I'm not going to use, for instance. I don't think I'll be able to mail you any until later tonight, though.
12 years ago
shhexy corin
oh, let me know if you need some, I'll happily give you a few bottles!
12 years ago
Carl, Shhexy -- thanks -- that would be awesome and I'd gladly pay or trade. :)
12 years ago
Heehee, I read "fowl swine feud" and my head heard "foul swine flu." Which really isn't fair, because swine flu's got nothing on bird flu.
PS Emdot, you're not the only one who doesn't spend time in Hell. LOL
12 years ago
i shouldn't have deleted it. :)
12 years ago
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at 11:33am on May 11, 2012
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