Status update

My thoughts exactly. TS still had money, therefore all the options were not yet exhausted. It was honorable of them to offer refunds, but let's be honest with ourselves? Would the vast majority of Glitchen out there have wanted their money back, or a shot at keeping open that which we loved so dearly?

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Lyrical DejaVu

    Agreed. When i said kept in the dark i was meaning primarily the staff, more so than the players. All the same, its really hard to imagine all options had been exhausted, i just cant feasibly see where that conclusion came from....i mean serioulsy....WHERE?

  2. Osiris ?

    I'd rather have had Glitch back. But I took my money because it seemed as though there was no returning for the game. Plus I needed that money badly.

    1 reply

  3. Fernstream

    I agree. They still had money- I think they should have used it to keep going through beta, and advertise heavily for launch. Only after the game had been launched and advertised for a while should they have determined if there was a large enough player base to support it. But then again, I'm no expert on any of this.

  4. Diablo

    i'm sure there where other problems (technically) too not only the number of people.

in reply to

Status update

i'm sure there where other problems (technically) too not only the number of people.

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