Status update

If anyone is interested (I know one of the guys working on this) -

16 replies

16 replies
  1. snygyst

    Thanks for the link, looks interesting. I've signed up.

    2 replies

  2. Ann DramaDuh

    I've signed up to be a beta tester. Thanks for this! It looks wonderful!

  3. Minkey

    Oh, my, i signed up too...I'll give any non-combative game a try :)

  4. Flowerry Pott

    I signed up too. (I wasn't going to try any other games for the *longest* time, but this one really looks quite beautiful.) Thank you, BumbleBeez.

  5. BumbleBeez

    That's great, thanks so much everyone! I'm still floating around trying to find a game to call home & look forward to testing this out with so many glitch (& FS) refugees! :)

    2 replies

  6. Faranae

    I signed up, too! It never hurts to try. ^^

  7. Smallchalet

    I'm excited from what I've read, really sounds good and the design of it looks pretty amazing too. *:)

  8. kastlin

    Thanks for the info, BumbleBeez!! I have signed up for alpha/beta.

  9. ~Alice~

    Signed up today. Thanks, BumbleBeez for the heads-up! : )

  10. Marebito

    Thanks for the heads up about this one; it looks really interesting! All signed up here, too. :)

in reply to

Status update

Signed up today. Thanks, BumbleBeez for the heads-up! : )

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