Status update
Carl Projectorinski

As an example of fun and silly, I'm trying to run the nation of Agni Abis, where the national animal is the sand dollar (which also happens to be the national delicacy) and the national currency is the Pocket Salmon. The consequences of your decisions are sometimes worded in serious tones, but they are often so ridiculous that they are absurd. For instance, I've banned the shooting of sand dollars, making it so that to hunt them they have to run up and tag them with their hand. Hunters are now losing limbs to vicious sand dollars biting them when they try this.

6 replies

6 replies
  1. kastlin

    OMG!!! I have to try this!! Do we each have our own nation? Or can I be one of your subjects?

  2. kastlin

    Hey, Carl!! I can't find your nation! Or are you still configuring things?

    1 reply

  3. Arietty

    And I came in the top 5% of the Glitch region and top 10% of the world for most politically apathetic residents... I am a kindly Iron-Fist Socialist Dictatorship!

  4. Minkey

    will you draw this, so I can really see it to understand it?

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

will you draw this, so I can really see it to understand it?

1 reply

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

I'm not sure ANYONE could draw it, but I'll give it a shot!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. kastlin

    If anyone can, it's you, Carl!! And we ALL want to see it!!

    1 reply