Status update
Carl Projectorinski

And Glitch wasn't even perfection. It was just the ever enticing promise of it!

2 replies

2 replies
  1. kastlin

    True, but in comparison, it was pretty damn close! I have been noticing lately how many standard game mechanics were done better in Glitch than in anything else I've played, especially chat!

    1 reply

  2. Minkey

    um...I found it to be perfection, including all the quirks and hiccups

    2 replies

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Status update

um...I found it to be perfection, including all the quirks and hiccups

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Well, and it could be argued that the promise of being better is part of perfection!

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Status update

Yeah, I loved all the quirks too, and the hiccups! It was only the occasionally atrocious lag that kept it from being perfection.

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